Election 2024

Your Vote = Your Power



Vote! ―

The 2024 election season was a pivotal moment for community engagement in Southern and Central Maine. Through the "Your Vote = Your Power" campaign, COA successfully executed an ambitious voter contact and turnout program focused on empowering immigrant and BIPOC community members.

Our efforts combined grassroots energy with strategic outreach, leveraging phone banking and canvassing to connect with voters and ensure their voices were heard. Partnerships with local organizations enriched the campaign, allowing us to host dynamic phone banking events while volunteers independently made calls to expand our reach.

On Election Day, we took it a step further by coordinating rides for voters who needed transportation assistance and intensifying our phone banking efforts. Volunteers worked tirelessly to make repeated calls to GOTV target lists in Lewiston and Portland, ensuring no voter was left behind.

The results were a testament to the power of collective action: 6,766 calls placed, 2,078 doors knocked, and 1,261 voters engaged. Together, we proved that every vote counts and every effort matters.


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